I’ve written since I was a kid, fantasy stories based on daydreams for the most part and then, later I made those stories into something more. I love writing fiction, there is an intriguing elegance in trying to find just the right balance of words to make a story come to life. Whenever I manage to spin my dreams and nightmares into a skein of words, the boy I used to be delights in who I have become.
I’ve written non-fiction in the form of copy writing and technical writing, and I’ve also written academically. The synergy that my History BA and Psychology MSc bring to both my life, and my writing is something I find quite fascinating and invaluable.
In 2011 I published the second novel I ever wrote as a part of a huge international franchise. Metro 2033 Britannia was the first Western European story to enter the Metro 2033 Multiverse of books, and it was both a pleasure and a privilege to become a part of that community. Just a week before Britannia was published someone close to me suffered from a cerebral aneurysm, and I stepped back from my writing career to focus on their recovery and on raising my children.
In 2015 I began writing on my train commute to London, and it’s taken a while, but my novel ‘The Other’ is almost ready for publication, as are the rest of the novels in that series. Bringing this series to you is going to occupy a fair bit of my time, but I already have another couple of novels slowly taking shape in the dim recesses of my mind.
I’d like to say I am a prolific writer, but I’m really not. I’m also easily distracted by the latest video game, the good company of friends and family and the occasional novel that manages to persuade me to read it.